Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MOOC Review for Class

OK so I checked out and signed up for my first MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). I went to
Coursera and found a History class on JFK called The Kennedy Half Century. The host university is Virginia and the professor is Prof. Larry J. Sabato.

I chose this course because I know little of the Kennedy Era and Prof. Sabato promised to cover JFK from his rise to power and the effects of his legacy. The course is a series of video lectures given by Prof. Sabato and range from 5 to 20 minutes long. The entire course is broken up into 4 modules with sub-sections. At the end of the fourth module there is final exam. It consists of 10 questions though it is not specified whether they are short answers or multiple-choice.

I liked the knowledge I was gaining via the video lectures. Prof. Sabato evidently knew his subject well and that was projected through is lectures. I also like that this MOOC was self-paced and that I could pause and rewind to take notes or just listen to the information again. Another great asset the MOOC offered was that it had a class discussion board and a Twitter account. Both could be used to ask questions and further understand the ideas explored.

What I didn't necessarily favor was that this MOOC in particular, has certain instruction dates, so the course had already ended but I was still able to access the lessons.

I love the idea of Massive Open Online Courses. They can serve as CEUs and to furthers one own understanding of a certain subject. I want to teach History so what better way to gain more knowledge about Kennedy than taking a self-paced online course from a highly qualified professor for FREE!?!?! I plan to be a forever student anyways and MOOCs allow for us learning-lovers to continue learning with out depleting our accounts like secondary institutions do today.


  1. Outstanding review, Moises. It will be interesting to see how many of your classmates like the format as much as you do. Like the desire to be a "forever student".

  2. I keep hearing about MOOCs bit I've yet to try one. How are they free?? It seems like there had to be a catch somewhere, like giving up my firstborn or something to that effect. I'm curious about them.

    1. Hey Alec that is too funny!!! Some courses do offer certificates, so in that way they offer a pay option. Check out Cousera and EdX as they both offer courses from Ivy League Colleges and many others.
